About us
GEFASOFT Automatisierung und Software GmbH develops and builds machines for production automation, which are delivered from Regensburg to places all over the world. Part of our core competences are applications with state-of-the-art image processing and laser systems. The focus is on the worldwide automotive, semiconductor and electronics industries as well as medical technology. In these industries, we enable the automated production of large quantities while meeting the highest quality requirements.

Both image processing and laser technology represent key technologies in modern industrial manufacturing. With the interactive integration of both technologies, effective and process-safe precision tools for networked production facilities in Industry 4.0 are created.
GEFASOFT's headquarters with administration and development are located in Regensburg. This is where most of the machines are manufactured. Our Nittendorf facility houses the parts production as well as additional areas for the assembly and commissioning of machines.

All services, starting with the conceptual design of automation systems, through engineering development and construction, commissioning and testing, to installation at the customer's site, are provided by our own personnel. After sales service is provided by our own service team in close cooperation with our subsidiary in Mexico and our service partners in Brazil, Malaysia and China.